Lecture 5 Dynamic Programming
- Programming => referred to the use of the method to find an optimal program, in the sense of planning or scheduling
- Dynamic => captures the time varying aspect (multi-stage) of the problems
2 key attributes that a problem should have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable
- Optimal Substructure => solution can be obtained by combination of optimal solutions to subproblems, such optimal substructures are usually described recursively
- Overlapping subproblems =>space of subproblems must be small, so the algorithm solving the problem should have same subproblems over and over
- Memoization and Tabulation
- Money changing problem
- Knapsack Problem
- Optimal BST
Fibonacci number
- Divide and Conquer Algorithm
def fib(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
- Memoization
table = [0 for i in range(51)]
table[0] = 1
table[1] = 1def fib(n):
if table[n] != 0:
return table[n]
table[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)return table[n]
The technique of using previously computed ( and stored ) values is called memoization.
- Tabulation
Non-recursive implementation
table = [0 for i in range(51)]def fib(n):
table[0] = 1
table[1] = 1
for i in range(2, n):
table[i] = table[i - 1] + table[i - 2]
return table[n]
bottom up approach, performs memoization by a constant factor
In 570 Dynamic programming is tabulation
Memoization => filling up a table recursively in top-down manner
Tabulation => filling up a table non-recursively in bottom up manner
Steps for dynamic programming
- Define subproblems
- Mathematical definition recurrence relation
- write pseudo code how do you fill the the table
- What is the runtime complexity ?
Pseudo polynomial algorithm
- A numerical algorithm runs in pseudo-polynomial time if its run time is polynomial in the numeric value of input but exponential in the length of the input
Longest Common Subsequence
- A subsequence is a subset of elements in the sequence taken in order (with strictly increasing indices).
Motivating examples
- Matching DNA sequences in molecular biology
- Comparing 2 text files (Unix diff) to make sure what changes have been made to the line and display the difference